We have launched our new website (www.yenish.com.tm) to meet the time requirements and meet the needs of our customers. As the experience of the world market shows, the most popular brands today also pay close attention to online stores. This, in the first place, simplifies the adjustment of production, and secondly, it is a very convenient way to fully meet the needs of customers, save time and money. Our new official site yenish.com.tm also pursues these goals.
The new site of our sewing factory "Yenish" consists of several sections, which contain information about our products. Information about new products of our factory is updated regularly. Buyers can contact the desired products by phone number specified on the website. Also on our site are the addresses of the shops of our sewing factory "Yenish" in different parts of the country.
Most importantly, we have information about all the products that belong to our sewing factory "Yenish". To make it easier for buyers to choose products, the "Goods" section on the site is divided into two sections: "Men's shirts" and "Children's shirts". With the help of the search you can select the goods and determine the size and cost of the shirt. The customer can get acquainted with all the details about the composition of the raw material and the quality of the selected clothing. All convenient methods were used for this purpose. Our site also has different images, colors, sizes and prices for each item.
Another feature of the new site of our sewing factory "Yenish" is the online shopping service when paying for plastic cards "Altyn Asyr". There is also a delivery service for online shopping. More information about this can be found on the information page of our website.
Customers can answer our production questions in the "Contact Us" section or by calling our phone number.
Dear buyers! Keep an eye out for our new site to stay up-to-date with the products and news of our Yenisey Sewing Factory! We set ourselves the task of "meeting the needs of our customers"!